南アとザンビアと、、、。【With South Africa and Zambia】
It is still freezing cold here in Hokkaido, with heavy snow, but University staffs are busy preparing for the next fiscal year, starting in April.
We are looking forward to conducting a new project in the next fiscal year, entitled "Assessing the Lake Kariba Catchment Environments for Sustainable Water, Energy, Livelihoods and eCOsysteM hEalth" or WELCOME. We will be collaborating with South African and Zambian scientists.
Believe it or not, I (Uchida) is taking the lead in the project.
It is tough to predict our future for the next few years, particularly regarding sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, I am hoping to show strong leadership with a lot of supports from the project members.
In our plan, we are not planning to visit the site but planning to use modelling approaches. Models can quantify and predict natural and artificial phenomena with mathematical equations, which can be very useful for this project. We would like to explain more details regarding the models later.
We did our first group meeting a few days ago, with my mistake regarding the time differences between us, but the meeting was very fruitful.
There are many students and scientists from other institutes involving in this project, and we are hoping to explain their roles and the expected outcomes from this collaboration near future.