北海道のマイナーな町たち【Minor towns in Hokkaido】





I would like to talk about minor and small villages in Hokkaido. Hokkaido is a large prefecture, thus I think there are many minor places where more agricultural science is needed. In the small towns, there are many hints of sustainable livings and I would love to tell others about their idea with some scientific backups. 

I visited a few of these minor towns in Hokkaido over summer. The first one was Takinoue. I visited a couple of dairy farms to sample their soils and pastures. The soils there are not ideal, and the question is what is the “sustainable” dairying suiting to this town. This is a very interesting scientific question. 

The second place was Kuromatsunai. I met a couple who is trying to graze beef in semi-natural state. They try not to use any chemicals as well as commercially available seeds from outside the farm. I talked a lot of about their visions for the future of the farm. With their effort, this little town is able to produce protein (meet) for locals from abandoned fields. This is one of the keys for the sustainability of small villages in Hokkaido. 

In my opinion, human living styles can harmonize nature more easily, by living in small towns. I can keep talking about this great concept, but I will leave it here for today. 



生態学会での受賞など【Awards during the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan】

南アとザンビアと、、、。【With South Africa and Zambia】