新・ブログとドローン【New blog and drone】





Our old website was in the old version of the Google Site System, and finally, I was forced to move on to the new Google Site System.

I know that some of the formats are not right at the moment on this website. I will try to fix them up. Also, I hope I can link this new blog and the new website nicely, somehow. At least, it is much easier to write this blog (using the "blogger" system).  

By the way, we flew a drone on a pasture other day. 

Many agricultural scientists are flying one of these, these days. I would love to talk more details about the project soon. 



生態学会での受賞など【Awards during the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan】

北海道のマイナーな町たち【Minor towns in Hokkaido】

南アとザンビアと、、、。【With South Africa and Zambia】