年末へ向けて【Towards the end of year】





I have been a bit busy but finally managed to have time to write this article. 

Our oversea projects have now significantly delayed and am worrying about them a lot. However, I know that there are not many things I can do. I am doing a lot of research within Japan now, but at the same time, I am trying to communicate with oversea researchers as much as I can to keep the collaborations going. 

Within Japan, I managed to start some new collaborations. It is fascinating to collaborate even within Japan because different areas have different styles of agriculture, and there are so many things to learn. I am specialised in "soils", but I know farmers tend to optimise their management styles aiming for the best profits and income. These days, I started feeling like I have to understand the farmers' motivations and goals to provide useful "soil" related data for them. 

It might be too early to review 2020 though, my students did so well this year. My research progressed very well, and we have written many papers. We know that we cannot have a party to celebrate the end of the year, but I want to trully commend my students here. 



生態学会での受賞など【Awards during the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan】

北海道のマイナーな町たち【Minor towns in Hokkaido】

南アとザンビアと、、、。【With South Africa and Zambia】