北海道と牛と【Hokkaido and dairy cows】



農業と環境、そして地球科学は私たちの永遠の研究テーマですが、日に日にこのテーマの重要性は高まっているような気がします。ゼロエミッション、ゼロ環境負荷、など、聞こえの良い言葉としてよく耳にするようになりましたが、本質的に、つまり「数値」として、何年くらいで何が達成できるのか? 誰が、どのような役割を担えばいいのか? 途中途中でどこをゴールにするべきか、どういう評価をしたらいいのか、という議論はもっとする必要があります。



This July had relatively fewer rains and has been very hot so far. Despite the conditions, the team has been working hard, researching various places within Hokkaido. We are mainly studying dairy industries within this island, while travelling to other islands and overseas is still difficult. 

We just attended a "grass farming" school, where we have many opportunities to directly communicate with farmers. The school was very productive, and we managed to learn about agriculture and the environment well, although we had to run a part of it online. 

With their relation to earth science, agriculture and environment have been our research theme and been increasingly important across the world. We hear words such as "zero-emissions" and "zero-environmental footprints" all the time, but quantitative step-to-step goals are not always clear. Moreover, the roles of different types of people and the methods for evaluating the goals have to be very clear. 

For farming industries, better understandings of different farmers' and farming communities' goals have to be considered to achieve something positive regarding the agriculture and environment. Therefore, we want to be contributing to the decision makings in this area. 

By saying that, I believe that there is a shortage of human resources who can understand the global movements of environmental issues and can bring those down to individual farmer levels. I hope young people will improve their communication skills and make the world a better place little by little without being bound by conventional thinking.



生態学会での受賞など【Awards during the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan】

北海道のマイナーな町たち【Minor towns in Hokkaido】

南アとザンビアと、、、。【With South Africa and Zambia】